Diabetes is a disease in which a person has high blood sugar or glucose. The medical term for this disease is diabetes mellitus. It is a group of metabolic diseases in which the production of insulin is inadequate. It occurs when the body cells do not respond properly to insulin. There are various types of diabetes.
TYPE 1 DIABETES : In this type of diabetes the body does not produce insulin. This type of diabetes often occur in adults and teenagers. These patients are required to take insulin injections for the rest of their lives.
CAUSE : Type 1 diabetes is caused due to hereditary factors, autoimmune destruction of beta cells,environmental factors such as foods and toxins, certain viruses, infections and even infant feeding practices.
TYPE 2 DIABETES : In this type of diabetes the body does not produce enough insulin for proper function. The body cells do not react to insulin. This type of diabetes can be kept in control through proper exercise and medicines. Obese people are at a risk of developing type 2 diabetes easily.
CAUSE : Type 2 diabetes is caused by genetic reasons, physical inactivity, obesity, insulin resistance, abnormal production of glucose by liver and metabolic syndrome.
GESTATIONAL DIABETES : This type of diabetes occurs in females during pregnancy. Women who have very high levels of glucose in their blood are unable to produce enough insulin during pregnancy and results in rising levels of glucose.
CAUSE : Gestational diabetes is caused by metabolic demands of pregnancy, hormonal changes and genetic and environmental factors.
Increase in thirst : If a person is feeling dehydrated and thirsty often then it may be due to increased glucose level. If a person starts feeling thirsty more than usual then it is a cause for concern.
Frequent urination : If a person needs to urinate frequently specially at night time then it may be due to increased glucose levels.
Increase in hunger: Unbalanced blood glucose can sometimes result in hunger more than usual and appetite is uncontrollable.
Weight loss : If a person has type 1 diabetes then he tends to lose weight due to breakdown of fat and muscle by the body for extra energy.
Weakness and Fatigue: If a person is feeling tired and run down often then it may be due to diabetes. If a person is sleepy always then it means body is unable to produce enough insulin and generate energy.
Blurred Vision : If there is change in vision or blurriness then it may be due to fluctuating glucose levels.
Dry Skin : If there are scaly patches or skin appears dry than usual then it may be due to diabetes.
Infections and Sores : If there is any kind infection or cuts and bruises that take longer to heal then it may be due to high glucose levels.
Mood swings: If a person is experiencing mood swings or irritations suddenly the it may be a cause of diabetes.
Numbness : High levels of glucose affects the nervous system that causes tingling in hands and feet.
Yoga is an ancient method of exercise in India. Yoga is a form of exercise that helps maintain all functions of the body and mind. Yoga helps control almost all diseases including diabetes. Diabetes is a metabolic process and is caused when the body cannot produce insulin which converts sugar into energy. Insulin is produced by pancreas. When the function of pancreas is improper then it leads to diseases like pancreas. Yoga helps in the overall functioning of body organs. Yogasanas helps control diabetes by massaging internal organs and activating glandular systems.
Yoga helps in normalizing the blood-glucose level. It stimulates the internal organs that are responsible for metabolism.
The secretion of hormone glucagon is enhanced by stress. Regular practice of yoga definitely reduces the stress level and helps reduce glucagon and this in turn improves insulin level naturally.
Bending asanas in yoga compresses organs like pancreas, stomach, liver and intestines. This helps in proper functioning of these organs and glucose levels are maintained in the body.
Yoga helps in relaxation of muscles and improves blood supply. Intake of glucose by muscles are increased and this reduces the blood sugar levels.
Yoga rejuvenates the pancreas and other endocrine glands.
Regular yoga practice acts as a therapy in not only preventing diabetes but also curing it in many cases.
Some of the asanas in yoga that help in controlling diabetes are Sarvangasana, Matsyasana, Vajrasana, Halasana, Dhanurasana, Yogamudra and Paschimottanasana.
Regular practice of yoga alongwith meditation and pranayam is important to keep the body functions normal. Through this practice, for patients of diabetes it is possible to treat and control all types of diabetes.
For every disease diet acts as a medicine. Therefore if a person has any ailment then he should take a diet that is suitable for his disease. Anything that would increase or worsen his problem should be avoided from his daily food. Likewise for diabetes also a person should follow a very strict but nutritious diet.
The very first thing is to do is to cut out sugar and its by products completely. Even tea and coffee should be taken without sugar. Fruits and fruit juices that contain sugar should not be taken. For example ripe mangoes, bananas, sweet apples or juices with sugar mixed in them should not be consumed. Sweets and desserts are always poisonous for diabetic patients and should stay away from them.
Fatty and oily foods are also bad for diabetic patients. But some types of oils like olive oil is essential to be included in the diet. Whole grains, lots of vegetables and pulses should form part of daily diet. Vegetables like broccoli, spinach, onions, tomatoes, radish and peas should form part of regular diet. All foods should be non-starchy. Food with fibre in them is best for diabetic patients.
Most important of all food should be taken at proper time. Small portions of food should be taken frequently at regular intervals to keep glucose level balanced. According to Yogacharya Vijayan Raman following yoga regularly and maintaining a proper diet can not only control diabetes but also eliminate its effects.
Note: Yoga should be practiced under the strict guidance of an expert yoga guru only.
………………………… Yogratana Yogacharya Vijayan Raman
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