Yoga means the union of our will with the will of God. It means the union of our mind, body and soul to God. When the mind, intellect and self are under control and free of restless desire man is in communion with God. Yoga is a deliverance from contact with pain and sorrow. Yoga is not for a man who eats too little or too much. It is not for a man who sleeps too little or too much. It is for a man who is temperate in food and recreation and temperate in sleep. The eight steps or limbs of yoga are Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi.
Yama and Niyama control a man’s passions and emotions and keep him in harmony. Asanas keep the body healthy and strong. Pranayama and Pratyahara regulates the breathing and controls the mind. This frees the senses from the objects of desire. Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi takes man into the innermost recesses of his soul. This keeps him in harmony with himself and God.
Dhyana or meditation is one of the most important stages of Yoga. Whenever we are involved in any activity we must practice the awareness of divine presence. It may be difficult in the midst of various occupations we might be involved in , but we could discover many tasks which do not require full attention and we can return our mind to the presence of God. For example while cleaning or attending to some basic needs we can remember God. These methods help to turn the mind into a meditative mood when we sit for regular practice of meditation.
In any system of meditation, prayer or japa play an important part. After preliminary preparations for meditation one can start with japa which may be a whispering only, then it will refine into a continuous repetition in the mind. Due to the continuous practice of the mantra mind becomes steady and concentrated and we will feel the presence of God. We experience the peace and joy of awareness of God. There will be no consciousness of time and place. This is the depth of spiritual experience that can be reached through japa. A mantra is a holy name derived from God-realisation. These mantras are obtained by seers and passed on to their disciples. They give direct access to God.
• Be Regular
Before starting meditation we should make a resolution to be regular in practice. We should be faithful to the practice of meditation. It should be as important as breathing. It is in the nature of mind to wander. Sometimes it is calm and concentration comes easily. But sometimes it is restless. Do not let the mind to mislead you. You should not be discouraged. Try to think about God and the mind will quieten down. Make a determination and concentration will come.
• Set A Fixed Time
We should have a fixed time for meditation. We should meditate at least once in a day. The timing should be either in the morning or in the evening. Meditation in the morning has an added advantage over meditation in the evening because the mind as well as the surroundings are quiet and concentration comes easily. Incase morning or evening is not suitable one can select a time suited for him and meditate. In every case the timing should be fixed.
• Set A Fixed Place
Just like a fixed time a fixed place should be selected for meditation. It can be a place of worship or a place in your home. The atmosphere should be quiet and calm. There should be no interruption from any source. The fixed place will be charged with energy and our mind will be filled with the thought of meditation as we come to that place. We will be conscious of God’s presence in such a place.
• Conquer Desires And Impulses
In our minds subtle enemies of passion, impulse, greed and desires prevail that do not let us concentrate. We should learn to fight with these gradually. This is a psychological fact and the more we dwell on a mental condition the more it is strengthened. Do not be too concerned. Let your thoughts be there as long as they do not gain strength. They will eventually disappear.
• Bad Company
If we are in a bad company it will certainly affect our thoughts and mind. Therefore right contract is very essential. We should be in the company of people with good thoughts and beliefs.
• Asceticism
In spiritual progress a certain amount of asceticism is necessary. We have to bring God to our minds. It should give us pleasure similar to that of riding a spirited horse. Gain the strength to control your mind and body so that you are not completely dominated by them. Without asceticism meditation is not possible.
The obstacles in meditation may vary from person to person. Each person requires a remedy according to his problem. Some of the common obstacles are –
• Restlessness And Idleness
Restlessness occurs when we lack enthusiasm and our attention refuses to concentrate. The only remedy for such a moment is will power. Idleness means to be unable to apply energy and unwillingness to concentrate. Lack of energy and initiative can be rectified only by will. In case of physical fatigue complete rest will do.
• Doubt
If anyone is in doubt then the only remedy is the presence of a teacher who can give courage and faith drawn from their own experience.
• Failures To Maintain Progress
There are some people who cannot maintain the progress due to previous karma which manifests as congenital impediments or subconscious opposition.
• Worldliness
This is the obstacle due to our fondness for the world of senses. We should increase our interest in spiritual joys like meditation so that the fondness for external pleasure will decrease by and by.
The most important aids to meditation is a sound mind in a healthy body. A sound mind can overcome the defects of the body. The disciple should keep close to the guru until he has learnt the art of meditation.
A man’s mind is always invaded by evil thoughts. He should replace them with good ones. The acceptance of positive virtues is an achievement. One should learn to rejoice in the happiness of others and feel sympathy for those in trouble. For meditation one should select a posture which is best relaxing for him. He should observe a straight posture which will help in raising the thoughts to higher levels. Rhythmic breathing also calms the mind. Success in meditation is closely related to peaceful living. Our mind should be calm and day to day activities should be done in a peaceful way. Those who meditate make their lives spiritually great.
According to Yogacharya Vijayan Raman, meditation can rejuvenate our lives, keeping harmony with ourselves and God.
………………This article has been composed and collected by Yogratna Yogacharya Vijayan Raman.
Note – Yoga should be practiced under the strict guidance of a Yoga guru only.
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