The heart is located in the center of the chest to the left side. The heart is a muscular organ that pumps oxygenated blood through the blood vessels with rhythmic contractions. The very existence of a human body is dependent on the heart. It is therefore very important to take care of the heart.
There are many problems that affect the human heart and can cause trouble. Some problems occur naturally and some occur due to wrong lifestyle.
Heart attack is one of the common problems amongst the various heart disorders. The medical term for this problem is myocardial infarction. Heart attack is caused when there is interruption in the blood supply to the part of the heart. When a coronary artery is blocked then it leads to an attack. It may even damage the heart tissue permanently.
Usually the symptoms of a heart attack arise gradually. It develops over several minutes. The main symptoms are chest pain, sweating, anxiety, shortness of breath, palpitations, nausea and vomiting. Also some other problems like fatigue, weakness and indigestion may lead to an attack.
A physical and mental well being of a person is not enough to say that he is healthy. A proper balance of mind, body and soul is essential to stay healthy. Yoga is a complete solution for people who want to be healthy in mind, body and soul. People who practice yoga regularly are experiencing the benefits of it in many ways. People who have diseases are able to control them or cure them according to the severity of the conditions. Those who are not having any problems are able to lead a fit life and remain free of diseases by doing yoga regularly.
Just like every disease the problems and disorders of heart can also be corrected with the help of yoga and proper diet with proper discipline and lifestyle. For leading a healthy life it is important that the heart remains healthy because it supplies blood to each and every part of the body. A healthy heart helps the body to function properly and prevents heart attacks, strokes and certain diseases of the heart. Regular exercises and yoga rectify heart ailments. Yoga is known to serve as an effective tool in preventing coronary artery disease.
Exercising the yogic way improves the health of the entire circulatory system. The production of blood improves which takes place in the marrow of long bones in the thighs. Stretching exercises improves blood circulation in legs. It also helps in stretching the body’s major blood vessels and increases their elasticity. Improved circulation results in improved working of the brain and improves alertness, mood and memory power. All vital organs also functions better. The asanas in yoga helps prevent cardio-vascular diseases. Yoga has direct influence on the hypothalamus and helps prevent heart attacks. Regular practice lowers the blood pressure, reduces stress and boosts the immune system The heart is muscular and through yoga the heart muscles are made stronger. Asanas are an essential component of yoga that brings stability and steadiness to the body. Asanas like Tadasana, Trikonasana, Vrukshasana etc are beneficial for the heart.
Along with asanas proper breathing techniques are also important. Kapalabhati is a breathing technique in which the entire respiratory system is exercised and oxygen flow is improved. So oxygen rich blood reaches the heart and enhances its functioning. Anuloma-viloma is another breathing process that helps in keeping the heart function proper. It also keeps the body and mind peaceful thus reducing the stress level. So the burden on the heart is lessened.
Meditation is also an important part of yoga practice. Meditation provides tranquility to the mind and reduces stress level. It also helps control unwanted emotions like depression, anxiety and hostility that causes extra pressure to the heart. Daily practice of meditation also reduces blood pressure and fatty deposits in the arteries. It also creates an awareness of the inner source of strength and power. It builds up self esteem and confidence of an individual.
Yoga practice can really make difference to the heart by strengthening the body, helping in relaxing and for a better stress management.
The role of diet in curing any disease is very important. Food plays an essential role in proper functioning of the body. For healthy living healthy eating is important. A balanced diet with proper nutrients is necessary to maintain a healthy life. So for a healthy heart also a proper diet is required. People with heart disease or are likely to face it should always take care in eating a low fat and light food. Low fat diet helps in keeping the cholesterol level normal. If cholesterol level increases then it leads to clogging of arteries. Later on the blood supply to the heart is restricted and leads to disorders. Fried foods should be restricted or avoided best. Also if possible a strict vegetarian diet should be followed. Whole grains, oats, fresh fruits and vegetables should be taken in plenty. Fibrous foods should be consumed daily to aid digestion and removal of toxins from the body. Water should be taken in plenty.
A little care in daily diet will not only keep heart diseases away but also can control any kind of heart ailment.
There are so many things one can do to keep the heart healthy. Some of them are :
• Exercise regularly
• Follow a daily plan on activities
• Reduce the stress level
• Cut on fatty and spicy diet
• Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits
• Take time for proper relaxation
• Get proper sleep
• Avoid smoking and drinking
Yogic way of life can be followed for a complete health solution. It teaches on proper exercise, proper breathing, relaxation and proper diet. It is a supportive treatment option.
Yogratna Yogacharya Vijayan Raman says that through yoga science a person can improve his body functions and can live a long life with a fit body and mind.
Note: Yoga should be practiced under the strict guidance of an expert yoga guru only.
This matter has been collected and composed by Yogaratna Yogacharya Vijayan Raman.
Vijayan’s Yoga and Meditation Center, 248, 2nd Floor. Canal Road, Dharampeth, Nagpur-10
Ph:Nos: 9373219804/9422439804/2550899
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