Yoga is a holistic system for health and well being of all individuals. Regular practice of yoga helps in the harmonization and integration of the physical, mental and emotional dimension of life. Yoga greatly benefits young people. By doing yoga all muscles of the body are exercised and strengthened. The spine becomes flexible and stronger. The posture is improved and body is toned. Ultimately it leads to better health and vitality.
Young people are experiencing multiple problems today. These behavior patterns are established as a young person and go on to become lifestyles of adults leading to various chronic health problems in later stages. Young people often engage in risky behavior which affects their physical and mental health and relations. Most of the problems are psychological rather than biological. Some problems maybe as mentioned below :
• Problems like depression or suicide.
• Lack of nutrition and physical activity.
• Physical assault.
• Infectious diseases.
• Chronic illness.
• Accidents or permanent injuries.
• Abusing behavior.
• Addiction to drugs and alcohol.
• Obesity.
• Hormonal imbalance.
• Disharmony in family.
Modern lifestyle has proven to be the stimulus for the growth of many diseases even at a younger age. Due to the busy lifestyle of parents at home, a sense of loneliness arises in the mind of young people. They tend to make friends outside which may often lead to problems if their choice of friends is wrong. Also due to the competitive attitude there is a lot of pressure even at home and around. Failure in any field can lead to depression and mental anxiety. Youngsters may even harm themselves due to anger and fear of losing.
Also junk food joints have become a hang out pointy for students. They are not worried about the nutrition facts but only the taste. These foods are rich in calories and fat content. Also there is lack of activity among youngsters today. Such habits make them overweight and also easily prone to diseases.
Addiction to drugs, smoking and alcohol consumption puts them high on the risk of coronary heart diseases at an early age.
Hormonal imbalance is also on the rise among youngsters today. It is due to improper eating habits, lack of exercise, stressful life and mental disturbances. Sometimes permanent injuries may also lead to depression among young people.
It is beyond imagination how yoga can help anyone. Yoga if begun at an early age is more beneficial. The good thing about yoga is that it can be done at any age. It is a fabulous form of exercise for people at any age group. Yoga is aimed to bond the body, mind and soul. It is a relaxing matter and is a therapy for any kind of problem. Yoga makes you more aware of your body’s posture, alignment and movement. It makes the body flexible and relaxes the mind in a stressful environment. It eases the depression and pressure in life. It includes various ancient speculations, observations and principles about the mind and body correlation.
Yoga is of great benefit to youngsters in dealing with their problems. Yoga gives them a healthier body; it increases their muscle tone and develops muscle coordination. It enables the body to maintain a balanced height and weight. It helps the body to become stronger, gain endurance and flexibility. It is also a great cross training activity for those involved in sports and reduces the risk of injuries. Yoga develops both body and spatial awareness.
Youngsters are under constant stress. They are often over-scheduled and face tough competition. They are under immense pressure to find their way in this world. Yoga helps in relaxation and de-stress them in challenging situations. A greater awareness of how the body functions is developed and the difference between relaxation and activity is understood. Yoga gives them a method of releasing pent up emotional and mental states of mind.
The self-esteem of an individual is increased while doing yoga. The confidence level and ability to succeed is increased. The challenges in life are easily accepted. The main component of yoga is the breathing techniques and inward focus. This helps them to learn to focus their mind. Practice of yoga enables to concentrate for longer periods of time. Yoga balances the left and right hemispheres of brain and improves balance and concentration. Listening skills and ability to follow instructions are increased. Mind is able to focus better and study skills are increased.
Yoga is a solution to overcome various diseases in the earlier stages itself. Regular practice of yoga balances hormonal disorders. Even some of the physical disorders developed in earlier stages of life can be corrected. People also learn to control their eating disorders by practicing yoga. Addictions can also be overcome. Meditation techniques help people with stress to relax and overcome their emotions.
• Blood pressure is regulated
• Respiratory rates become normal
• Pulse rate becomes normal
• Gastro-intestinal function normalizes
• Cardiovascular efficiency increases
• Joint range of motion increases
• Grip strength increases
• Musculoskeletal flexibility increases
• Breath-holding time betters
• Weight stabilizes
• Energy level increases
• Better posture
• Sleep improves
• Concentration improves
• Anxiety and depression decreases
• Memory improves
• Self-acceptance increases
• Well-being improves
• Depth perception improves
• Haemoglobin level increases
• VLDL cholesterol decreases
• Glucose level is maintained
• Thyroxin increases
• WBC decreases
• Lymphocyte count increases
• Vitamin C increases
Active young people need to have a well balanced diet for their energetic lives as well as for bone and muscle growth. They need to have proper breakfast, lunch and dinner at proper intervals. Young people need essential nutrients like iron and magnesium to maintain normal muscle and nerve function. They keep the bones strong and keep the immune system healthy. These are found in green vegetables. Intake of salads is a must. Junk food, oily and spicy food should be avoided. A lot of fruits and vegetables should be included in the daily diet.
Practicing asanas in yoga not only balances the body , mind and spirit but also is a solution to various chronic and common diseases as well. Asanas improve the physiological functioning of vital organs, increases the blood flow and eliminates toxins. They soothe the nerves, relax the mind and keep the spine flexible. Various diseases like diabetes, arthritis, asthma, B.P., back-problems, respiratory diseases, migraine, obesity etc., can be kept at bay through yoga.
Yoga can give back the lost energy and make you happier and peaceful.
…………………………….Yogacharya Vijayan Raman
Note: Yoga should be practiced under the strict guidance of an expert yoga guru only.
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